Valentine Poetry Competition
Winners: Valentine Poetry Competition, 2008
"Loving…" | |
"The Wind told me, whispering in my ear.." | |
”My Portly Lover” | |
”The Backstabbing of Cupid” | |
" Valentine" | |
Thank you to all that contributed!
This Contest is Closed!
Love is caring.
Love is sharing.
Love is lasting,
Ever bearing.
Love is warm.
Love is true.
Love is laughter,
When I'm with you!
Love is You!
Love is Me!
Love is beauty.
Lovers see.
Love is rich.
Love is gain.
Love is kissing
In the rain.
Love is wonder.
Love is found.
Love is felt,
When you're around.
Love is joy.
Love is peace.
Loving you,
Will never cease.
Love is tender.
Love is more.
Love is you,
I've been looking for!
Hold me love.
Hold me close.
Never let me go.
I've been waiting
For you so long,
You're the one, I know!
Written by [
Stupid Cupid
That idiot! He shot me right in the eye,
My retaliatory rock went slightly awry,
The evil kid then takes a slow and careful aim,
At the most insidious, hideous person I can name,
The arrow flies slow motion through the air,
I drive in front of it and it pins me to a chair,
Cupid, victorious, begins a wicked laugh,
But my flying roundhouse kick breaks his bow in half.
Written by [
My Valentine
The day is here,
and the girls all cheer,
while the boys feel fear.
Oh won't you be my Valentine?
The clock strikes two,
How time has flew!
This is my cue.
Oh won't you be my Valentine?
All passing around,
I hear the sounds,
of love in bounds.
Oh won't you be my Valentine?
I race to my seat,
to find something sweet.
Hope I was discrete.
Oh won't you be my Valentine?
Chills are rushing down my spine,
To think I could have a Valentine!
Some girl got nine!
Oh wont you be my Valentine?
Swelling with pride,
I look inside
I think I could have cried.
Oh won't you be my Valentine?
But where is mine?
Written by [
Fetish Dolly Koneko™]
Lost Words
There are poems
Deep in my heart
That I've never reached
There are songs
I hear inside me
I've never sung
I want to tell you
To sing to you
If only I could find the words
How can I describe
The rush of emotion
The faltering of breath
The feeling within me
Has no name
It's like nothing before it
Even a touch
A glance
A smile
Everything about you
Intoxicates me
I've lost myself
I have no way to show
I love you
I dream of what you would say
If only I could find the words
Written by [
Captain Rachel Black]
A Valentine for a Broken Heart
My heart is cold.
It beats no more!
You stole my heart,
Then slammed the door!
Remember me?
I gave you love!
You gave me pain,
You shattered love!
The promises you made were false!
You trampled Dreams,
Elusions all!
Empty words, not what they seemed!
My heart is dead,
No more sweet bliss!
You hold the key,
True love’s sweet kiss!
Written by [
While We Are Apart
While we are apart,
I wrap your words around my heart
as you would your arms around my shoulders.
I sigh contentedly in the memory of your kiss
and as I close my eyes in sleep,
they open in dreams gazing into yours.
I yearn for the day when I awake from my dream
to see you before me,
a dream come true!
I love you.
Written by [
The Bench
The Bench
Shadows cast by these weeping willow branches
A small pool of rainwater sits before these iron gates
Heading a gently moving stream
The bench is the witness to all things
The holder of sweet memories
The dreamkeeper
Trails of buds align with the flowing rainwater
As the crimson sun echos from the Palisades afar
Rays of golden light dance like sprites
Striking the Grecian encircling pillars
Our bench looks upon natures beauty and simplicity
Its serenity as clear as the shimmering rainwater
Outwardly a bench was as it appeared to be
Nothing more
Nothing less
Yet it witnessed the birth of joining souls
Of that first kiss
With My Valentine
My first love
Written by [
The Wind told me, whispering in my ear..
I've fallen for you
From the high skies,
To down below
I like this feeling
I like the way you look at me
I want to hold you
Again and again
Just to know, what it really feels like
To be loved, once again.
Because dearest, sweet boy
You're that close..
To capture my soul.
Written by [
Will you be my Valentine? I'm just too shy to ask...
Its hard to say everything I want to.
How do I know you feel the same way too?
Of course the only way to know is to ask.
But when your shy like I, it's hard to ask.
Being scared of the reply is mostly why.
But this question is hard to keep inside.
I want know how you feel. Is my intuition real?
Are we on the same wave length?
And are we connected by the same links?
Just answer the question it's not that bad.
I just hope the answer doesn't make me sad.
Written by [
My Portly Lover
I love you now
My portly lover,
Even if your waist is high.
You make my day
Like no other
Atop the clouds we can fly.
My changing heart
Falters beat by beat
As we embrace and kiss.
Make my day
And make it sweet
Like no other bliss.
Written by [
The Backstabbing of Cupid
I dawdled down the street one day,
Living in my world of grey,
And dreary shades, and muted tones,
With shapeless voices from mobile phones.
Then, behind, a thunderous crack;
Monstrous stabbing in my back,
And shrieking laughter met my ear:
“Enjoy the rest of your life, my dear!”
Convinced I surely must be slain,
I lay doubled up in pain,
Then drew the arrow from my skin,
Which had made that chubby archer grin.
The tip bore traces of my blood,
“Alas!” I cried, “’Tis not good!”
Before my eyes the world did swim,
To the ground I clung, with every limb.
Then all at once the world stopped dead,
I was able to raise my head,
And found, at once, to my surprise,
The world had transformed before my eyes!
Instead my world of dreary grey,
Became bright and clear and gay:
All was tinted with shades of rose,
And speckled with reds and pinks and mauve.
Yet ‘twas not the sun that flashed most clear,
Nor the water I could hear,
But far off shone a figure bright,
Illuminated in purest white.
Before me was where he soon stood;
Through his eyes, his soul shone good.
Tenderly, my lips he did kiss.
Now, I’m glad the arrow did not miss.
Written by [
End of Eternity]
My candle did flicker, did dance did glimmer,
It whipped in the wind, completely trusting
That it would stay lit, never even questioning it.
Shined brightly and brazenly for all to see,
Never caring who saw its contented flame.
Not a care. Then out of nowhere
Promises forgotten, no dancing now, not even a flicker.
Where are you Valentine?
Written by [
Love Spurned, Love Returned
My thought is pure and my heart is true:
And before you leave me quite anon,
Step up the plank and face is gone
I'll love you more than others do.
But let me not bore you with words saccharine;
With loquacious flowerings I'll not bore
To detract from the presence of that I adore
And the feelings I harbor deep, deep within.
I, with my verbosity, will be brief.
Afore not long you'll get thee hence-
So I'll pour my heart forth (such a thin autumn leaf),
And then thee may jest at my expense.
I know, should you treasure my perilous affections,
You easily could overlook all imperfections,
But in truth should this be not the case
(And should you dissolve with quite a pace)
My death or trag'dy will surely ensue.
I've known you not a great long time,
but my thought is pure and my heart is true:
Will you be my valentine?
Written by [
Tickle Me Emo]
Will you be my valentine?
Will you be my valentine?
With you sunflower eyes
On this day, will you be mine?
Since our love is as clear as all the sky’s
Will you dance with me?
Throughout the everlasting night
Will you walk with me beside the sea?
And gently hold me tight
Will you live with me until death do us part?
Watching our children grow old
Will you give me your heart?
For me, it’s made out of gold
Will you be mine forever?
And stick together like glue
Let’s live happily after ever
Because all of this I will do too
Written by [
True Love
I have found my one true love.
An angel sent from heaven above.
I tell him love him but how does he believe?
For sometimes she will doubt me and think that I'll leave.
To me, he is more precious than the most valuable jewel.
My life and love not shared with him would be nothing less than cruel.
It's been a year now that our bond as grown.
I'm more in love with him now, than anyone I've ever known.
I know one day we will be together.
And we'll face the challenges through any weather.
He's the greatest gift God could ever give.
Without him I don't know how I would ever live.
Written by [
the loved wolf]
Eve of the Winter Ball
My soul alight with possibility
tonight our paths may meet, perhaps even join
yet I shan't have class - nor receive pity
so humbly, as decided with toss of coin
As winds whisper sweet nothings in my ears
this timid resolve grows inside my heart
to find solace with love's blind guidance; fears
so small beside memories of being apart
that the world matters not for this one night
Did anyone ever see your brilliant smile?
I willed it to return with all my might
yet you avoided this gaze every while
Call irony, or whatever you wish
I'm your chosen valentine - and you are mine
Written by [
ahhhh when she loves me
my soul sings so loud
the angels all go quiet
ahhhh when she holds me
no words need flow
all time passes away
into the hush
of eternity
ahhhh I am
her property
for eternity
in her I trust
in her I lust
in her is the
quiet vision of waking bliss
of all that can be holy
ahhhh I love her
and no other
Written by [
Merlin Mab]
Love Letter
I look back to the war, the memory so vivid, how the bombs and bullets soar...
I longed so deeply to be there with you, yet wrote me few.
I was just a man fighting for his land, but Valentine's Day was the day that could drop a lovesick boy to his knees, making him appreciate life, and understand.
We rushed for the mail call, and I remember the heading "To my dearest sweety, Arnold Sall"
I found my new reasoning for fighting in Freedom's Thorn, and that was for the freedom of my newborn.
We fought with all we had, especially me, a new father, a new dad.
The war was brutal, but the war was won, and me...I needed to be with my wife and son.
I ran to the horses, I mounted 'Ol Betsy, and I fled to my homelands as fast as she let me.
When I saw you, our child in your embrace, you were dressed in a bonnet, a flowing dress, a glowing face.
You ran to me, whispered your love, and now, so many years later, I read you my Love Letter, while you watch me from above.
Our son has grown and married a lovely girl, and has a child on the way, but nothing is as special as your letter on that Valentine's Day.
Written by [
I tried to send a valentine
eight years ago, or was it five?
Certainly it was not nine
I did not even know you then.
From age 5 until 11
we had to make a valentine.
They gave theirs to little crushes
only my mother received mine.
Age 11 to 13
I wondered if I should have been
more open to you, as I knew
that you would be my valentine.
Yes it was five, for it was then
I nearly sent my valentine
and yet because it told the truth
It did not go, it was not time.
Eight years from the time we met
give or take a month or two
I know I will not make a card
Because you know our love is true.
Written by [
The First Morning
I have heard you laugh before,
I've heard your silence
But this is the first time you're here
without your intelligent science
Your heavy breathing tells me things
you've never told me before
It makes me want to write bad poetry
about you and me and the shore
I never show you what I write,
but will you see it when I dream?
Or would you ever do that,
do you have so much else to deem..
Watching you breathe,
such a worn phrase..
But it's soothing,
just like this wonderful craze
I'm thinking too much again,
I should just close my eyes
Go back to sleep and wake up
to a morning with clear, blue skies
For I know this is just our first morning
and I shouldn't trouble my head
with what I've been dreaming of for so long:
you and me in this calming bed
Written by [
Plight of Luna
You drown me by nature.
This distance causing an undertow,
tilting me on my axis
into a tailspin.
The gravity of reality the only thing
keeping me from sinking
into the deep blue depths.
You reach for me.
Unerring in your timelessness,
though I am so cold
and distant.
You fill my vision
reflecting the sun,
and I cannot turn away,
though the universe calls me
I linger.
Lost in the throes of restlessness.
I am afraid to test the waters.
Afraid I will burn out before I get there,
forever a blackened pit
where once a force beckoned.
Forever a loss
where once there floated dreams.
And so I tilt
in my lonely sky
while your waves pull me
and I stoically fight the tide.
Written by [
The Rain
I sit by my window,
Watching the pouring rain.
Visions of yesterdays,
Flashing through my head.
We danced in the rain.
Oh how we loved to play,
Splashing and jumping,
Getting soaked in the rain.
I watch children playing,
Hear their mama's a calling.
I smile remembering,
How our mom's did the same.
Every time that we splashed
And we danced in the rain,
All the love that we shared,
In my memories.....r
Written by [Morningstar Rising]
23. Just Valentines Day!
I will never understand Valentines day,
The cards, the gifts, the cuddly bears,
The heart shaped boxes with clique heart shaped treats.
Red ribbons wrapped on odd pink toys that squeak when squeezed.
I can never understand why,
It takes a day a year to spell 'I love you' without speaking,
To show you love them without feeling or trying.
Simply throwing lavish perfumes and jewellery, cold metal,
To symbolize that you love one another dearly.
I don't see Valentines day as you do,
Shops over flowing with numerous items,
Shelves flooded with brightly coloured key-chains,
'I give you my heart', 'I love you today', but not tomorrow i think.
I find it sad we need to be reminded to show we love each other,
And, even then,
In ways where words aren't used and only material possessions are given.
I will never understand Valentines day,
The songs, the music, and most of all the poems.
Those poems where the word 'love' is thrown around to often.
Where feelings are only used to win hearts and then break them.
Written by [Rice]
24. A Valtentines Day Killing
'Tis a most perfect day for a murder', he thought,
As his cold thick boots hunted and stalked.
In a paper bag he held a present both pink and red,
'Tis a present to one Officer Harkness', he said.
And as it dripped a red road, he walked up the steps,
The gift moved and churned, obviously just fresh from death.
And then on the hollow stone step he did lay,
The paper bag, tied with a ribbon so lovingly made.
And inside when the Officer looked,
Would be the still warm heart of one Mrs.Cook,
One local baker, speciality Holiday themed cakes.
And then further in the bag he'd see a card,
'Happy Valentines day", it read, written in red and now swimming in red.
Below that line if he read further still was written,
'Tis and was a most perfect day for a murder,
For what better heart to find, than one both red and pink,
And which was once a beating kind'?
Written by [Rice]
25. The Beauty Of Passion, The Art Of Love!
The arms of love,
Each other entwined,
The beauty of passion
In rapture defined.
The kissing, the touch,
Each soulful embrace,
Expressions of pleasure
Written on each face.
As the taste of honey,
Drips from their lips,
In intricate detail
Trembling fingertips,
Trace the contours
Of each other's domain,
As the ultimate builds
To border insane.
Separate entities
Unite in the heat,
As ecstasy engulfs,
The union's complete!
Written by [Artsieladie]
26. A Dragon’s Tale (The Valentine Gift)
Half Man and Half Dragon,
He stalked the sky,
For he had be given wings to fly!
He wore a mantle, a dragon’s head!
Fierce was this warrior,
A foe to dread!
Filled with hatred,
He cursed his plight,
Always willing to pick a fight!
The anger shown on his ruddy face!
Scorned by Dragons, for his human form,
Feared by man, he was out of place!
He lived alone, on a mountain high,
With nothing but grief,
He stared at the endless sky!
He killed without mercy,
His heart filled with wrath,
No one dared to cross his path!
And then one night,
By the light of the moon,
He saw a maiden, with golden hair!
She sat beneath a willow, playing a tune!
Frozen in silence, he could only stare,
At the lovely maiden with the golden hair!
Then for moment, she raised her brow,
She gazed upon him unafraid,
His heart skipped a beat, what should he do now?
The she laid her mandolin there on the ground,
And in the blink of an eye,
She was nowhere to be found!
So he knelt in the grass, where the mandolin lay,
Then he picked it up gently, and flew away!
Now he sits on his mountain, by the light of the moon,
And with a heart full of love, he plays that same tune!
Written by [Grandamelf]
27. Eyes for Valentines
Their eyes could not be silenced
Even if a thousand gods had wanted to,
Raw true emotion flowed effortlessly
Like lava from a newly activated volcano,
Words never needed be uttered
For screaming eyes always said it all
Every time louder and truer than the last,
“I love you my dear.”
Each had thought of a special way,
To say that same thing on Valentines Day,
And as an idea came, so did question
What better way of reminding my lover from so far away?
Each took a picture of their eyes
Bought a box of sweet as nectar, and a card
Every one of the three sent, thousands of miles across the seas
To their lover that they missed so dearly much,
In hope of bringing a smile to one another
On a day when lovers are supposed to be together.
Written by [Diiwica]
28. The Lymrics Of Love-
Tender flesh, a subtle touch
Enough to make you love me.
Fingers running down my spine.
The words we share mean nothing now,
as we lay in comfortable silence.
Let me know for sure that I am yours.
Make me forget my sorrow if only for a little bit.
We dash through the rain, hand in hand; both huddled under your coat.
Wet clothes strewn across the floor, a warm blanket.
Hold me tight so I can't get cold,
Hold me tight so I won't be alone.
The couch is always more fun when we jump on it
(like we did when we were school children)
Nuzzle my neck and listen to me giggle and squeal.
Then we can just lay there,
While I make sure all of this is real.
Fingers search through lacy hair, the rhythmic beating of a heart.
Lie on my stomach and listen to the life beat within me,
The life you helped me create.
Echoing voices in the car, sad apologies.
A dark room lets bittersweet passion run free.
Stay with me and tell me all your secrets and your fears, tell me everything I need to know.
A soft love, sharp kisses
Mixed with the love burning deep within my heart.
These moments, this reality will stay with me forever,
And forever I shall love you.
Tender flesh, a subtle touch,
Whisper in my ear and tell me you love me too…
Written by [Alexi Ice]
29. Eternal Life / A Gift To My Love
im obbsessed with your touch, kiss me
with your blood red lips,
leave me with the only essence of you that is real
i need to feel you brush against my skin
i need to know that you are there for me
kiss me with all you have left,
show me that you truly love me
show me something i never thought i could see
empty your heart in mine, if only for a second,
and let me feel as you do, see as you do, let us be one in the same if only for a single
Obsolete second let me feel you
as you feel me.
im obbsessed with your touch,
i cannot bare to see you die
so kiss me, and become mine so i can save you,
kiss me with your blood red lips and let our minds act as one,
if only for one Obsolete useless second of my dark life, let your kiss set me free
im obsessed with your kiss,
so kiss me with your blood red lips,
and let me feel you if only for a second,
let me be yours
Written by [Alexi Ice]
30. "My Love"
My love for you is like a rose
It's petal are soft and pretty
It's fragrence tickles your nose
Let's go have dinner in the city
My love is a cherry
It's juicey and sweet
I don't like T.J. Westberry
But you my dear are good enough to eat
I love you so very much
When I'm with you I can't be blue
If I had to tell you my hunch
I'd say that you love me too
Your love makes my heart sing a beautiful melody
If love is a crime,baby I've just commited a felony
Written by [~Crimson Angel~]
31. "The other side of Valentine - The saddest day of her life"
A lonely traveller
far from herself
any distance is now too near
She has wondered long
she has seen a lot
but still her mind is too clear
Drowned in joy and sorrow
to boose and pills and drugs
tried to forget the words one said
the words that hurted so much
"Little one, I love the way you smile
oh little one, I love how you live your life
little one, do keep on reaching the sky
but you must know I can never be your valentine."
Written by [MisLuck]
32. To my Loved One
You once asked me to write you a love song
and that I could not do
It's just because I don't know what to write
not because I wouldn't love you
I tried to write it several times
but all of them in vain
They were filled with death and tears
and widows and blood red rain
I tried to sing of butterflies
lullabies of flower fields
But moth was the story's star
and flowers were dead lilies
Tried to say something sweet
of your deep blue sea eyes
But all I got out was
"Jeah, jeah, they're nice"
I'm not much of a talker
but for you now I try
I'll say something sweet and true
without death and cry
You're not a prince charming
more of a manners like a beast
but I'm not price pig either
and not a lady at a least
But you treat me like a princess
and when I'm sad you make me smile
You give kisses instead of diamonds
and make life worth another while
Now I don't have words again
only corny things come out
So I'll quit by saying "I LOVE YOU"
and every day you make me proud
Written by [MisLuck]
33. Pauly the Anthro-Dragon's Ode to Valentine Heart Wafers
O Crunchy Necco Wafer Valentine Hearts,
Wherefore art thou tasting like volcanic ash?
Cheaper than dirt wholesale at Wal-Mart's,
Cinder-cone residue enhanced with a sugary dash
Colored and shaped to fill your shopping carts!
Ten boxes for a buck! I bought 'em on a lark.
Crunching on the candies makes my pointy teeth spark!
Yet I only hope the volcanic ash was gathered with care---
Not from the sidewalks, but caught mid-eruption in the air.
Spawned by Pinatubo, funky manna at ex-airbase, Clark!
It's wise to never fully believe what you read.
Surplus volcanic ash can be an impulse for greed.
The new miracle, the new plastic, the new Silicon Valley?
Don't you ask me to attend that sugar-flavored ash heart rally.
Deceptive ingredient listings violate my creed!
I'm confuzzled, tilting my scaly head and scratching my chinny-chin chin.
Eating ash hearts is a collaboration and a sinny-sin-sin?
My dragon blood roars of fire, my human blood crying "doom."
The igneous ingredient issue is inescapable. Judgment looms!
So I flame it all, cool it off, and empty them in the trashy-trash bin . . .
Grawwarrr? No volcanic glass in the ashes of the hearts?
Comprised of gelatin and sugar and starch and coloring?
No cataclysmic harvest from Krakatoa?
By the Primal Egg! Then why the hell does it taste like ash?
People should get the hint and buy those chocolates, already!
Even that fake stuff that tastes like burnt decaf coffee.
Necco Wafer Valentine hearts may not be volcanic confections, but the ashes remain.
And I'm still confuzzled, dammit . . .
Written by [Paul Doyle]

This contest is closed!